|| Post On > Apr 23 2022 ||

First of all, what defines "new" - anything from the past 5 years? 10 years? It doesn't matter because there is far more old music than new music. There are centuries of old music and only a few years of new music. Eventually, the "new" music will go into the "old" music mix. 

In general, the quality of popular music has steadily declined in the past twenty to thirty years; less complexity, more emphasis on imitation than ever before / and more derivative than ever. Poor musicianship and the reliance on computers make this modern pop music less human.

 It almost seems like the writers and recording artists of music today spend less time and “mind” on their craft than the musicians of the past. They are part-timers. Many are purely motivated to make money by exploiting trends. 

Some will say old songs are the best. The value of caring for people’s ears. The meaningful lyrics, the heartfelt voice, melting lullabies, the soulful singers! They had it all. Old songs bring you to paradise. It is quite sad to hear that the old singers are slowly passing away and that no one is going to continue their sentimental. 

There are some exceptions, of course. There are “unknown” jazz, rock, and modern classical musicians who are taking things forward. It’s not as if all music written and made today is useless. But great songwriters and not crafting the top 40 of today. 

The music industry is to blame. They jump on trends and demand everyone imitate the trend. New music has slowed to a crawl in terms of evolution. The solution to all of this will have to come in the form of an entrepreneur who finds a way to make a financial success of artists with quality music and writing. The present-day computer-made assembly-line of pop music will fall to the wayside.

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  • iXRZgGPuYwCkft
    2024-02-03 19:47:01


  • iXRZgGPuYwCkft
    2024-02-03 19:46:53


  • Amio
    2022-04-23 17:00:42


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